
hi..wElComE to fAiz dOt BlOgSp0T dOt kOm
Happy Reading..=D

Thursday, 4 April 2013



This issue is one of the three major macroeconomic problem,besides the case of inflation and exchange rate.In principle,balance of payment should be equilibrium when the account which is deficit is offset by account that is surplus.Equilibrium here refers to the manageable deficit are cancelled of by modest surpluses.
Balance Of Payment EQUILIBRIUM happens when:

(a).when the export of goods and services exceed import but there is substantial investment abroad by companies and residents.
Obviously,here we can see that,there is surpluses recorded in the current account and it is counterbalanced by the deficit of financial account.

(b).when the import of goods and services exceed export but where there is an inflow foreign direct investment.

---->Here,the current account becomes deficit and is offset by the surpluses of financial account.
Balance Of Payment DISEQUILIBRIUM happens when:

(a).when import of goods and services exceed export and the financial account is deficit.
The trading account(current) is deficit followed by financial account.Hence,there is lack of capital in the economy and might probably devalued the country's currency.

(b).when export of goods and services exceed import and there is persistent deficit in the financial account.
Here,the current account surpluses and is not offset due to persistent deficit in the financial account.


1.Developed economies has a high propensity of import.This lead to substantial deficit in the trading account.There is increasing demand of imported goods by consumer thus the domestic product become abundant and that is why trading account deficit because import of goods exceed export.As we can see,as import exceed export,country have to cover all of the imported and hence deficit in the financial account.The same happens to the developing economies.Generally developing economies have a limited domestic production and they often rely on imported goods to satisfy their consumer demand.Developing economies rely mostly on export revenue so as the term of trade are unfavourable,they need to export a greater volume of goods for the same export revenue.Thus Disequilibrium occur.

2.There may be lack of confidence in particular economy,resulting in fewer capital inflow.In some cases,exodus capital inflow also can lead to disequilibrium.Investor do not want to take risk by investing in our country.This normally will occur when it is related to particular event like politics rather than economics origin.

3.When there is increase in consumer spending power,thus most of them would be likely to look for imported goods rather than domestic.Thus as discussed above (1),there is likely for disequilibrium to happen.

Friday, 16 March 2012

bUDi bHaSa kU...M@sYaRaKat kU..!!!..;)

Hai kawan2,..lame btol aq x post kat sinie kan..maklomlah bru2 nie aq pgy lawat family kat Klantan kot,,lawat negeri owg..
k pasal entry ary nie aq nx cter sikit pasal budi bahasa...
x tau lah nper tibe2 jea aq ungkit sal mnde nie...tpy aq concern lah bile time aq jelajah2 nmpak budi bahase masyarakat kter trok...skit gle aty nie memandang...seyez dowg mmg sengal..x pndai berbudi bhase...*im really pissed off...

soo kiter sebagai masyarakat yg hidop dalam sebuah negare yg majmuk mstylah menunjukkan budi bahase yg baik...tambahan lak,rating pelancongan dalam negare semakin meningkat dan ramai foreigner yg lawat negare seru kat korang tolong lah berbudi bhase dan tnjok kan sikap yg baik...ia melambangkan imej negare kite tau disamping dapt memartabatkan name negare ke persada antarabangsa..huhu~..*agak skem kan..ahha..mcm ayat dalm karangan..hahahah

jadi renung2 kan lah tntg ape yg aq cter tntg budi bhase kita yg smakin ary semakin luntur nie...sbagai owg dewasa atau pon yg matang...kite sme2 tnjokkan sikap dan budi bhase yg cemerlang kepade generasi muda supaye generasi yg berbudi bahasa berjaye dilahirkan...soo pupuklah dari awal dan berubah ke-arah yg lebih positif-insyaallah..=D...

*kalo x dipecahkan ruyung.manakan dapat sagunye...blom cbe blom harap kowg dapat berubah mnjadi rakyat dan individu yg lebih berbudi bahase...
bgy yg dah jady buluh tau mmg susah..tpy kowg leh cbe..sbb what is soo hard nx jady manusia yg baik..*kalo perubahan tue ke arah kebaikan..insyaalah Tuhan tolong...

k lah setakat nie je lah..renong2 kan...n b4 that aq nx mnx maaf lah kat sesaper yg terase..hmm sori..
semoge korang sume berjaye...bye!!! 

Monday, 12 March 2012


Hai kwn2...kowg pe kabar..?..arap2 dalam kondisi yg sihat dan sejahtera yea...=D
ni nx habaq mai stu cter nie..kowg sume mnat gadgets x..?..of course lah mnat kan..kalo nax cari sowg yg x mnat mmg ssh...seyez x tipu kwn2...

*kalo aq ade lah sume nie..hihi lenkap idop aq...

HAH!!..itulah seringkali kite ungkapkan bile terlalu asyik dgn alat2 teknology nie...kte x sedar akan hargenyer yang mahal..dan tambahan lagy keperluan mnde2 tue dalam idop kite...sbb commonly mnde2 nie x bnyk pon tolong kte..its actually saje2 nx ade..sbb ape..sbb nmpak stylo kan...hahaha

 Hah tgk alat2 yg kat atas nie..canggih2 kan..hehe...sper x nak kalo ade owg bgy free.. angkat jea lah...hahah lol.
of coz lah kowg nx kan...mmg lah sper nx tolak rezki beb..!!!..haha
tapi papepon kajian dah bnyk buktikan yg alat2 nie actually help kter dalam 30% jea untok hndle kehidupan seharian...soo jgn lah terlalu bergantong sgt pada alat2 nie...juz believe in urself and do the best..;)
so aq nasihatkan kowg sume jgan jady terlalu gig sgt or fanatik ngn gadget2's juz wasting time jea...bek jumper kengkawan lepak..lagy best...hahaha =D.

K lah that's all 4 now...tq 4 reading..hehe~..=)..

Saturday, 10 March 2012

oppss!!..result dAh DeKat..=)

Assalamualaikom korang sume...sihat x ari nie..dah makan..hee~..=D
hari nie aq nx share sikit tntg result SPM yg bakal menjelma x lame lagy...hmm x silap aq x samapi 2 weeks lagy dah..huhu..cuak pon ade gak bai..
*(haha..bjet jea lebih..=P)

makin result nak kuar nie makin pelik mnde berlaku kat kite kan...ade yg x lalu nak makan..mandi x basah..tidor x nyeyak..hahaha..(mcm kner angau jea)...tpy ape pon yg jadi kter kner redha dan bersedia terhadap ape shaje keputusan yg kuar nanti...bagy aq..kalo kter dah berusaha gile2 pnyer tpy kalo x dapt gak means bukan rezeki kte lah kan...tpy ape yg Tuhan dah firman..selagi kiter berusaha..selagi tulah Dia akan tolong kter..soo x yah risau sgt lah kalo kawan2 yg result terok tue..happy2 jea..mybe rezeki kter bkan kat SPM nie..kat tmpat lain...or ntah2 kiter ade wat salah kat Dia mohonlah kemaafan daripada-Nya semoge kawan2 dan saye dimaafkan..huu..amin~..

STRAIGHT A+..sper yg x nak kwan2..sumer owg nak..even syer sendiri arap2 dpt result yg cm tue...*kepade sesaper yg x nak straight A tue..kowg mmg FREAK lah...hahaha
bagy aq kalo x berjaye nx achieve straight A+ pon x per..juz straight A...dapat yg tue pon aq dah bersyukur gile2...arap2 lah...=D..

soo doakan result kter yg bakal kuar nanti lebih hebat dari yang lain2..biar batch 1994 achieve the outstanding result of the year..hehe amin~...nanti korang yg dapat result gempak2 tue jgn lak lpe diri...korang mule start pulau kawan kowg yg x pandai tue...kalo kowg bwat cm tue kowg mmg cekadak babun lah..x gner kowg idop...kebijaksanaan yg korang ade tue pon x kan ke mane pon kalo kowg bersikap cm tue...jadi selalulah kter berdoa kepade Yang Maha Esa agar dihindarkan dari segale sifat2 mazmumah tersebot...(*seh baik nyer aq..hahah)...

K lah setakat tue jea aq nak share ary nie..bye..

Friday, 9 March 2012

ape lah Nx jaDy...:)

HaI..!!! lame btol na aq dak update blog nie..hee
maklomlah ceq nie xder lah reti sangat nx berblogging nie...bru nok start blajar..
x per lah ceq cbe..hahaha..tpy x tau lah smpai bilr bertahan nyer..huhu...
*kner Semangat bai..huh
*bajet jea lebih aq nie..hehe

Okay nie aq nak cter ape mnder yg latest berlaku kat aq...
baru2 nie parent aq pakse aq pi amik lesen..pergh!!..ketat x nak kot..siap dowg anta lagy aq pi
semenanjung sbb kat sabah sner mahal fee dye nx wat lesen..soo sbagi anx yg soleh aq pon patoh jea lah..hahahah...
Soo kat smnjg nie aq stay lah umah tok aq kat Manjung,Perak..
nak jady kan daftarlah bwt kat institut tuTTT...tgk tmpat pon dah tau hambar..bapak bosan doe..dah ler owg2 kat situe x peramah langsong..msing2 bwat keje sndiri....

aq pon ape agy mcm masok planet lain..janggel nyer aq rase..huhu sedih oyt..tpy nx wat cm ner..mnde dah pon dah daftar..soo kner lah tahan...

jadi sebagai manusia yg sabar..(*seh mcm sbr sgt lak) kner positive mind n look foward lah...kalo asyik pkir pasal suasane tmpt..sape pon x berjaye..n sape pon x leh nx blajar kan....?

aq kner berpandangan jauh..mybe parent aq juz nx yg terbaik dari aq kot..hehe...
x pon dowg nx aq bwak gy jlan2 nanti lepas aq dah reti drive...hahaha...x per lah juz positive...

Po$!tiV3 ThiNkiNg...!!!

the reason aq kner obey mak bapak aq ..sbb mnde nie sume satu nanti x kan dah kerja nak tumpang2 kawan...of course lah sehari due bleh..tpy x kan tiap2 ary kan..spe x segan beb!!!...hahaha...k dah tu jea lah aq nx share setakat nie...

*P$S* x kesah lah kowg nx kate hambar ke tak entry nie..janji aq feel relieve..k 
tq 4 those who support..BYE!!!

Saturday, 21 January 2012

tadi aq bace...!!!

Assalamualaikom semua sekali...nie aq nx share ssomethin ngang korang nie....
tadi aq ade bace satu buku tau sedap gile citer dye...sedih pon ader...pepon penoh ngan pedoman lah...
citer tue pasal khalifah x kesah sgt dgn yg len tue....tpy aq respect kat citer/riwayat hidop Khalifah Umar al Khattab....hebat dye..dye tu mmg pemimpin yg hebat..sbb zaman tue kalo sape nak jadi ketua dyew mesti kner lalui kehidupan yg lebih teruk daripade manusia biase...hehehe...sampai satu tahap tue seorang pemimpin mesti lebih rendah daripada rakyatnye...hah nie ade satu cerita waktu umar pergi melawat raja Parsi...semua owg terkejut apabila lihat pakain saidina umar same dengan orang kebanyakkan...maharaja parsi agak terkejut...tpy saidina umar tue ttp dgn prinsip dia,yg dia akan hidop dgn care kehidupan Rasulullah SAW...